Louis area neighborhood was the best “gayborhood,” and your top five picks have some similarities. Still, many of us seem to cluster in our preferred enclaves, whether it’s because we share similar tastes, we like living where the While residing in concentrated LGBTQ neighborhoods was once a necessity for those wanting to live openly, these days it’s more of a preference, one factor to be weighed alongside other area amenities. Second, I can’t help but think it would blow this troll’s mind to learn that his Jefferson County community is home to more drag than the Central West End today. One: the dated idea of the Central West End being synonymous with “gay” - a concept that hit its peak in the seventies and eighties. The remark amused me on a couple of levels. Among the garden-variety homophobic comments posted to the event’s Facebook page, one stuck with me: “Go back to the Central West End.” There was some grumbling in conservative Jefferson County when the 2016 DeSoto Christmas Parade was slated to include the county’s drag bar, Rumors on Ice.